Friday, June 01, 2012

Paperback! Giveaway!

It’s been just about a year since Season to Taste was published here in the U.S. And what a year it’s been. All the travel. All the people. All the nice things that have been said. It’s been fantastic. And humbling. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Thank you. Thank you for all the support, all the encouragement, all of the reading and reading and reading. You guys are the best.

And guess what? Paper. Back.

This week, Season to Taste was officially published in paperback! It’s lighter, less expensive, and has a new cover design, too. (I couldn’t love it more.) Check it out.

And! I’ve never done this before, but I’m going to do it now, because I’m just so pumped: A giveaway. After all, a box of paperback Season to Tastes recently arrived in my office, all crisp and clean and smelling like new paper and fresh ink, and I want to share. To enter, leave a comment with your favorite scent. (Or your least favorite. Or your favorite scent memory. Or your least favorite. Or the first time you realized you couldn't smell. We're talking smell, folks!) On Wednesday, June 6th, I’ll pick two winners at random and mail you both a signed copy of the paperback. 

Here, I'll start. My favorite scent is that of the fresh herb, rosemary. It smells pungent and woodsy, warm and earthy, a deep dark green. I love that after working with the needle-like leaves, you can smell their fragrance on the tips of your fingers for hours. I love that rosemary was one of the very first smells to return when I was recovering from my accident.   

**UPDATE: Winners have been selected


Danielle said...

Vanilla, I think, is my favorite for pure pleasure.

I also like the scent of lemon zest, especially when it has just been added to a baked good, because it reminds me of baking with my grandmother. (I am fond of the smell of cigars for similar reasons, since they remind me of my grandfather.)

amy beth marantino said...

i like lemon

KianaB said...

Rain! I love the smell of rain and wet grass.

Caroline said...

The rosemary plant on my table
gives off a wonderful scent
when I touch it.

Very unexpected and comforting

Kathryn from Schoolmarm Style said...

The smell of a patch of Lilly of the Valley can stop me in my tracks.

JB said...

My favourite scent comes from tomato plants. That green, vegetal smell is something I wait for all year.

Dana said...

Lavender always reminds me of being in France.

Molly said...

I'm loving reading these! Keep 'em coming!

Jenn said...

I remember my whole preschool class charging down a Baltimore street and screaming, trying to outrun the putrid smell of crushed ginkgo seeds on the sidewalk. It's a horrible, nauseating smell but for some reason I am now very fond of the beautiful trees with their fan-shaped leaves that remind me of the wonder of being a little kid.

Jessica Ferri said...

Molly, congrats on your book and I'd love to have a copy of the paperback! I think my favorite scent is bergamot, it reminds me of black tea and this amazing black tea candle I had when I first moved to Brooklyn. Those first few weeks were very lonely and the candle really kept me company and helped make my little bedroom seem very cozy.

My favorite scent memory is without a doubt my mother's cooking early morning on Thanksgiving. I'd get up "early" at 10 or 11 to help her cook and she'd already have the turkey and stuffing going, it's an insane smell of butter and fat and just, warmth. Very fond memories.

Can't wait to read your book!

Jessica Ferri

Miss T said...

My favourite smell is mandarin. I love to eat and cook with it but I also search the globe looking for products that I can lather my pasty white frame in too. I have a friend with no sense of smell and I really feel for her when we are in a bakery, or an italian deli. On the upside, she is my favourite friend to exercise with!
T xx

A Plum By Any Other Name said...

Lavender is a favorite scent of mine. It reminds me of the summer after I finished college. And of the lavender farm I visited on the cape. And of the lemon lavender marmalade I made soon after that visit!

Kerry said...

When I smell a clove cigarette I'm back in college, wearing Doc Martens, listening to Seattle-based grunge rock, planning political protests and falling in love.

johanna said...

i love the smell of my mother's kitchen: spicy and sweet, fresh and clean; it holds the scent of accomplishment and promise. it's the smell of home.

gwen said...

Congrats Molly!

I love the scent of sage. Especially when it pops up on a hike. It suits the mood in the kitchen and in the wilderness.

Sonja said...

Congrats on the paperback, wonderful that the story continues!

As for my favourite smell, that's a hard one... But I think I have to say coriander, though cumin is mindblowing too, because every time I smell coriander, for a second I'm back to my favourite restaurant in Russia, where the fat chef from the Caucasus is prepaing the most wonderful stew. Ah, ans now I'm hungry..! ;)

Lynn D. said...

I love the smell of lemon verbena. It's lemony and vegetal at the same time. Lemon verbena ice cream is swell and lemon verbena in fruit compot or salad is divine. You can use it in place of lemongrass in Vietnamese cooking. Another favorite smell that I will probably never smell again is a stack of paper just out of the ditto machine. I went to grade school before xerox machines were common and the teacher would print tests with the ditto machine that had that characteristic purple ink and delicious smell.

Sara said...

I change my mind all the time, but vanilla is definitely a top contender. I love to bake, and that aroma is wrapped up in all that's good and warm from the oven.

brk317 said...

The smell of jasmine flowers when they just bloom. So heavenly!

Julia said...

Dear Molly, my Favourite smell is also rosemary, it even manages to get me for the split of a second out of a bad mood and transfers me to a happy feeling place. It is like a pang in my chest when I smell those lovely heavy-scented branches. I'm currently reading your so well written book and I really Lost my sense of smell partially for a month already due to a viral infection of my sinuses. Though I ordered this book two months ago when I was still able to smell everything. My family used to be fed up by my sniffing about. As a Child I used to exclaim, people stink when I meant that I don't like them. Your Book gives me hope, that I will live again, as for now, I feel not present. Thank you! Julia

Alexis Zinkerman said...

favorite scent cut grass

N said...

I love the smell of coffee... also, the smell of a campfire or grill in a forest of pine - the mix of those smells is so unbelievably perfect.

D said...

I love the smell of just-picked cucumbers, fresh from the backyard garden -- the kind that still have white spikes on them and probably taste bitter at the ends.

mel said...

Because of my own altered sense of taste and smell, my favorite smell constantly changes. Right now I continue to love the scent of Yankee Candle Leather- such a strong, clean smell which initially I didn't think I would like. This scent now reminds me of what came back later...

queencake and titangirl said...

thanks so much for the giveaway, i just love reading these comments.smella are such a powerful thing. my favourite thing to smell was my son`s hair when he was a baby.and rosemary, too. and thyme.and teh smell of rain in summer or spring. i do not like the smell of coffee, but i love the smell of freshly baked bread as it reminds me of my scottish grannie. best from berlin,anja

Margaret from Kitchen Frau said...

Lilacs. I love to bury my nose deep in a bouquet and inhale the beautiful scent - it always reminds me of a talcum powder my mother wore, and sometimes she would let us dust ourselves with it. It was so special.

Sue said...

Hinoki (Japanese cypress). I wear a cologne with this scent and have soap scented with Hunoki. Takes you to the mountains of Japan while soaking in tubs made of this beautiful wood!

Sue said...

Hinoki (Japanese cypress). I wear a cologne with this scent and have soap scented with Hunoki. Takes you to the mountains of Japan while soaking in tubs made of this beautiful wood!

Ash said...

I like the smell of first rain.
Of freshly baked bread.
Of the fritters fried in hot oil.
of a ripe mango
of frangipanis and dark chocolates.
of new books
of incense sticks
of cold n dew
of fresh laundary
of citrus n summary perfumes
the list just goes on

Leanne said...

Fresh baked cinnamon buns make me swoon!

Deirdre said...

I love the smell of Vertivert, and Lavender, Clary Sage as well. Some day I'll find a good perfume that combines the three.

Michele said...

A long time ago, Crayola made crayons that smelled like their color. The brown one was labeled "dirt" and smelled exactly like the grass and dirt after a rainstorm, which is one of my favorite scents, it reminds me of being outdoors. I still can't figure out how Crayola managed to nail that scent so precisely...

growningrace said...

Congratulations on the printing of the paperback! Go you!!

My favourite scent is my teddy. I've had him since I was four and was going into the hospital for surgery number #3 (of 17). I remember pressing my face into his belly and *not* smelling that anesthetic, overly clean hospital smell. He's been my constant surgery partner, roommate, and travel companion over the years. There's probably a mixture of talcum powder, perfumes, spices, medication, what name you on him now, but it's still my favourite scent.

Anna said...

I love the smell of forest dirt. Woodsy, mossy, wet, sweet, and if you're lucky a pinch of chantarelle, because one is growing out of the dirt near your nose as you scour the forest floor in search of golden treasure.

AndreaW said...

Fresh peonies from my garden. They don't last long and the fragrance fades, but for a few days they are heavenly!

Jacqueline said...

If I'm not too late, it'd have to tack stores. Or, more specifically, new leather. Not at all animal friendly, but the scent makes me swoon.

Congrats on the paperback!