Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Coming Up

I haven’t been cooking a whole lot. It’s too hot here in Boston. (Right now, sitting at my kitchen table before 7am, I feel like a sweaty piece of salmon, wrapped in parchment, baking en papillote.) When the temperature rises above 90 degrees, my diet revolves around three things: salad, white wine, ice cream. Not the best blogging fodder, but, hey, it works for me.

Other than that? My book came out. It sure isn’t storming the bestseller list, but it’s gotten some wonderful press, and some very kind words, and, damn, I’m proud. (Interested? You can buy it here!)

I want to give you all a little heads up about events coming up in the next couple weeks.

First off: I’ll be at RiverRun Books in Portsmouth, NH, next Wednesday evening (July 20th) at 7pm.

On Friday, July 22nd, I’ll be at the Northshire Bookstore in Manchester, VT, at 7pm.

On July 26th, (Tuesday), I’ll be at the Odyssey Bookshop at 7pm in South Hadley, MA. 

And on that Thursday, July 28th, I’ll be at a Literary Luncheon at the Where The Sidewalk Ends Bookstore on Cape Cod. (With Jennifer Egan! And Daphne Kalotay!) (Tickets necessary.)

I'd love to see you any/everywhere.


  1. salmon sounds great! but not human salmon... (hot water bottle - stick it in the freezer for a few hours, you have an instant cold pillow) as for us, Im cranking up the heater, its freeeeeezing!
    Miss T xx

  2. I'm truly enjoying reading your book and am looking forward to seeing you in Chatham.

  3. Congrats on your book! I will have to check it out. I have just finished my Chapbook called Travel Poetry. I am sending it off to an interested publisher! Very excited! Of course if that doesn't work out I will be selling it at my Etsy store (MurissaMaurice) and my blog.

    The Wanderfull Traveler

  4. That's an excellent tip, Miss T. It's *still* hot here...

    Alison, wonderful! I'm excited to meet you on the Cape!

    Murissa, thank you. And congrats on yours.
