Thursday, July 07, 2011

Peas & Carrots


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Molly - I am reading your book and enjoying every word. Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. Do you think you will do any book shop readings in CT? I like your photo of the peas. Our farmer's markets here are brimming with snap peas - so good, even in the pod, sauteed with a bit of butter! Summer doesn't get much better than that...

  2. I'm looking forward to reading your book. I purchased your book the other day from barnes &noble. I am thinking I need to return it to them and get it through another source. I discovered something at b&n that moves me to boycot their store.

  3. This makes me smile ...

  4. Sharon, that's great news. so glad you're liking it. i don't have any readings in CT scheduled as of yet, but will certainly let you know if any come up! mmm, peas....

    and thanks, friends.
