Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New Hampshire

Matt and I spent last weekend in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. We hiked a lot, and slept even more. Just what I needed.

Tonight I’m returning north to do a reading in Portsmouth. I’ll be at the RiverRun Bookstore. 7pm. See you there? 



  1. Hi Molly,

    I ordered your book after seeing the review in The Boston Globe. I just finished reading it and was totally captivated! I lost my sense around this time in 2008. I hope one day to meet you- are you doing any signings in the Dedham area?

  2. Mel, thanks! So glad you liked it. I don't have anything scheduled near Dedham as of yet. But I'll be updating my website with new events as they come... ( Would love to meet you, too!

  3. I've just stumbled upon your blog as I had read about your book in the newspaper the other day (it's now on it's way from the bookshop to my hands). I can't wait to read all about your incredible journey!
