Sunday, August 21, 2011

Soaking Them In

Last weekend we went to visit my dear friend Sarah and her husband, Joe. They live in a beautiful apartment overlooking the choppy water of Lake Champlain in Burlington, Vermont. 

I wanted to sit down and write more about that weekend. About the local burgers and beer. About the mountain we hiked, and the sandwiches we ate while sitting on the bare rock face of its summit. About the boat ride, the swim, and the comfort of old, old friends.

But now that I’m sitting here, my fingers on my keyboard, my coffee cup rattling with ice, my schedule semi-cleared, all I can think of is how much I want to curl up on the couch and read a novel.* This summer has been all about producing words, maneuvering words, constructing sentences and watching them fly away. (Book, blog, freelance, day-job, press.) I’ve loved it. Every bit of it. But right now I’m tired. So instead of producing more words, I’d like to take a brief moment and simply soak them in.

*Look at Me. (I’m on a Jennifer Egan kick.)


  1. Anonymous2:43 PM

    What an amazing, amazing post. I am book-marking this...that last paragraph - those words - I wish, I only wish half the bloggers and twitter obsessed people would read them, understand them and DO them too...

    I was reading parts of the Digital Diet (book) this weekend and the author writes how we went zip-lining one day and it was incredible and right away he thought all the people he had to text/call/email and pour it out to explain and share...and then he realized all his tech stuff was home - a 2 hour drive away. But during his drive he let it soak in and absorb himself the experience...and he realized how silly and how anxious of a society we have become.

    That we can't just be. Be. and Live in the moment.

    I am so happy to find your blog! I love books - and will be checking yours out via your links. I do reviews a lot. Please share where I may get it if possible.

    Thank you kindly :)

  2. Love all of this, Molly.

  3. Hi Molly--
    I'm well into your book and loving it! As a poet who is interested in the senses and recently paying attention to the neglected sense of smell as a source of imagery, I'm finding that your story is having quite an impact on me. As a poet who often writes about food, I'm storing away some of what I'm reading for future poems! Also, my husband owns a restaurant. Clearly, you wrote this book for me. Thanks!

  4. Bakingnbooks: thanks! i've been trying to live in the moment a little more, one day at a time. it's important. (and my book! it's available in bookstores and on

    Lecia: :)

    Diane: i certainly did. smell as a source of imagery? love, love, love it.

  5. Visit again soon! It was wonderful to have you here. Much love.
