Friday, September 09, 2011


I walked to work this morning, a long stroll through the lifting fog. It’s been a hazy week of rain. The moment I left my apartment and shut the door behind me, I could smell burnt toast and musty rug. Outside, I smelled the lingering rain on the sidewalk, a whiff of the Dove conditioner in my hair. As I walked, there was a hint of earth and dead, early-autumn leaves. A hot metal twang to the subway car rumbling by. I could smell the flowery perfume of a woman on her way to work, the coffee from a café with an open door, and the familiar wet scent of a dog who had just rolled around in the grass. I fly to London tomorrow. I wonder what smells that will bring.


  1. You know, of course. Wet wool. Crispy fried fish. Close rain. Pungent tea. Unwashed hair. Oily skin, and crisp currant buns. Enjoy. Love you, Girl. ~ Holly

  2. Hi, Molly. I just picked up your book today and can't wait to read more. Just wanted to tell you so. Can I say it's "scent-sational" or will I get booed off your blog?

  3. Can't wait to hear about London!

  4. Thanks, ladies! I had SUCH a good time in London. It definitely smelled like tea.
