Friday, July 01, 2011


Check out Season to Taste in the news! (And come on over to Facebook to stay up to date.) (Thanks, friends.)


  1. Congratulations Molly from Australia. I ordered your book from the USA when I read about it on your blog and started it last night - it's beautifully written, such a treat to read. It is coming out here in August, I have already ordered some in for the bookstore where I work. Great to see such a positive buzz in the press, hope you are enjoying all your author events! Warmest wishes,

  2. It was great to see you at the Harvard Bookstore last week and hear your story in real life. I am really enjoying your book; it is such a compelling read!

  3. Geraldine: Thanks so much! I'm beyond happy to hear you're liking the book. And so pleased you'll have it at your store in Australia. Wonderful news. xoxo

    Jen: Excellent to see you, too! I love when internet folks turn out to exist in real life :)
