Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Publication Day!

My first book, Season to Taste: How I Lost My Sense of Smell and Found My Way, is officially out in the real world today! (It's available to order here, or here, or here. Or, find it in a bookstore near you!)

For my New York friends, I’ll be doing a reading/discussion with my excellent editor, Matt Weiland, at the Greenlight Bookstore in Brooklyn tomorrow, Wednesday, June 22nd, at 7:30pm. For my Boston folks: I’ll be reading at the Harvard Book Store on Tuesday, June 28th, at 7pm. (I have some other events scheduled, too, which you can see on my website.) I would love to see you any/everywhere!

*Update: I had the date for my Brooklyn reading originally wrong in this post. (Whoops! Coffee = needed, STAT!) It's June 22nd, (not the 23rd), at 7:30pm. See you then!


  1. yay! i'm going to the bookstore on my lunch break! :)

  2. congrats Molly! this is awesome.

  3. super congrats!!!! happy happy day! my book is on its way -- can't wait to read it. enjoy *everything*! xo

  4. Congrats and would love to see you in LA!

  5. My copy of Season shipped today from Amazon. Can't wait to read it! :)

  6. So so excited for you!

  7. Congratulations! I've been following your blog with interest for some time, and had been hoping to make last week's pie recipe from the NYT. It's tabbed for next year now, as the last of the rhubarb seems to have gone.

  8. Wahoo! Thanks, friends. xo

    (Shira: I'm sorry to hear that the rhubarb is gone where you are. Next year for sure. It's an excellent pie)

  9. We heard you on NPR with my 2 boys. our Mummy is a Nez. and H. 8 year old want to be a Nez and Theo 5 year old want to be a Cook.
    when are you comming near Morristown? We would love to treat you for breakfast, lunch or dinner!! H. want to create a perfume for you and Theo want to cook for you....

  10. Finished it! In one sitting! Loved it! :)

  11. Holly, wow! So happy to hear! xo
