Thursday, September 23, 2010

State of the Book

I am sitting at my desk right now, a thick stack of paper on my lap. I'm rereading my book, beginning to end. Again. Page by page, chapter by chapter, I've read this book more than a dozen times. A million times, it seems. I can practically recite the entire thing. The words have become so familiar I can hardly see them; the sentences contemplated so often that their meaning fades in a moment, vaporous and fast. (I don't even want to know how my poor editor feels...)

But now the book has been written and edited and rewritten and copy edited and put into its first round of galleys. Not yet bound. But close. It's exciting and totally strange to see the typeface, the copyright, the dedication already inset. I saw the cover for the first time last week. It's a painting done by a talented artist. I can really only stare at it in disbelief.

The best part, though, is its new title: Season To Taste: How I Lost My Sense of Smell and Found My Way. Also, underneath it on the jacket cover: my name. My name on a book. A real live book. Who woulda thought?


  1. Anonymous2:58 AM

    congratulations, Molly! Look forward to reading it. Have enjoyed following your journey through your blog & reading all of your thoughtful reflections.

  2. Hi, Molly! I've been following your blog here and there, and always enjoy catching up on posts I've missed. Congrats on the book!

    I have a book with your name on it that I see every day. It was a birthday gift you from you freshman year. You filled some of the blank pages with quotes, and I've been adding quotes and thoughts to it ever since!

  3. Thanks, Ellen!

    And, hi, Diana! Wow, I can't believe you still have that book from all those years ago. What a wonderful little flashback :)

  4. Katie1:15 PM

    It's so exciting! I can't wait to read it :)


  5. How very exciting for you! Congratulations on completing this difficult - but inspired - project.
