Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I moved to Boston the first week in June. I moved with Matt, who returned safely from Afghanistan in March, early on a Sunday morning. It was hot and muggy, and we were sweating before we began. My brother, Ben, had taken a cab from Manhattan out to Brooklyn to help us load the truck and we ate bagels with cream cheese and drank lukewarm cups of Dunkin' Donuts coffee as we worked. I lifted box after box, and watched as Ben and Matt lugged my bed and dresser down the lopsided stairs of my Park Slope studio—the studio I found in the week after Matt was recalled to the Army, the one too small for a sink in the bathroom, the one overlooking the pear tree newly-blossomed in the back yard.

Matt and I now live in an apartment in Cambridge, close to where he will begin a graduate program at Harvard in the fall. It’s a few blocks from the river in one direction, and from the public library in the other. The apartment has large windows, and lots of light. There’s a view and a fireplace and enough space for both a couch and an armchair. After five years (more or less) in New York City, my appreciation for dining tables and walk-in closets, for multiple rooms and bathroom sinks has grown exponentially. The kitchen counter has enough space for a coffee machine and a dish rack. There are cabinets for all of my pots.

But a new home, for me, isn’t really a home until I’ve baked something—until the kitchen is filled with the smell of butter, flour and eggs. So, last Wednesday, in the humid haze of an almost-rainstormy afternoon, I pulled out my spring-form pan and baked a vanilla cake. I let a bowl of quartered strawberries macerate with a bit of sugar and then reduced the resulting syrup in a tiny pan on the stove. The cake, which was dense and sweet, was layered with the fruit, which I had pulsed in my Cuisinart until they became a bright chunky sauce, and a light frosting whipped with tangy cream cheese. Later, when the sun had set and we could see the church steeples across the Charles from our window, I served it to some old friends. I guess this means that I’m home.


  1. Welcome back! I've been following your blog for years, and I guess somehow I've never commented -- but I live in Boston (JP) so now I feel compelled :) Enjoy your new (again) home and I hope it brings you and Matt nothing but the best!

  2. I'm glad to hear Matt came back safely. Like Jess I have been following your blog for a few years but never commented. The description of your new apartment sounds like you must live very close to us. It's a great location I hope you both love it.

  3. Thanks! I'm so glad to be here. And glad to know that we're all relative neighbors. If you have any recommendations on things to do or, especially, new places to eat, please let me know!


  4. The cake was delicious- So glad you are in Boston:)

  5. Like some of the other commenters, I've been following your blog for a long time and now that you're in Cambridge, near me, I'm compelled to comment. I'm so glad that Matt is home safely and you're starting a new home. That cake sounds delicious! Best of luck!

  6. I also live in Boston and have followed the blog for a long time. I just finished up a grad program at Harvard. I hope Matt enjoys it! As for food recommendations, try Cafe of India on Brattle Street. My husband is of Indian heritage and he approves of it. They have a great lunch buffet that isn't even that expensive!
    Welcome back :-)

  7. I found your blog shortly after moving from Park Slope to Cambridge. We love the kitchen space and closets as well. I would recommend trying Oleana for their vegetarian tasting menu, Formaggio Kitchen - but only at 9AM on Saturdays, O Ya when you want to splurge and Hana sushi for the closest sushi to Yamato that we have found here in Boston. We haven't found the perfect NY bagel yet, but Katzs's in Chelsea comes the closest. Good luck!

  8. Thanks for the recommendations, Beth and K! I'm excited to begin exploring new eats...

    It's so nice to hear from so many locals! I'd love to meet any/all of you. If anyone would like to get together in Cambridge or Boston, please shoot me an email!


  9. Welcome home :) So glad for you.

  10. If you're now in Cambridge -- check out the little Vietnamese place called Pho Pasteur. It was on of our favorites.

  11. We really like Elephant Walk, Central Kitchen, and the crepe place on Mass Ave and Arrow Street. Actually, there are so many good places to eat in Cambridge and Boston. I hope you guys have fun exploring.

  12. Thanks, guys! We'll definitely be trying all those places out. Excited to explore...

