Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Taking Scent for Granted

I have an essay in today's USA Today on the sense of smell. It was inspired by the recent controversy over the zinc-based cold remedy Zicam. But it’s mainly about the importance of scent, which is often only realized once it’s gone.


  1. That's a wonderful essay. When I heard about the problem with Zicam, I immediately thought of your blog, which is why I stopped by today. Best of luck with the book and congratulations!

  2. Hello Molly,
    I am honored to meet you through your blog. I read "Taking Scent for Granted" in a coffee shop from a newspaper someone left behind. Your article opened a new unfamiliar world to me. I was fascinated learning about anosmia. I recently met a woman with anosmia and I thougth about your article that I had read some months ago. I started searching the internet to find it and I found your blog.

    I just posted Genevieve Rosewood's story about her journey with her loss of smell on my blog.

    Thanks for sharing your story.
    Joan Morais
