Sunday, December 07, 2008

Scent of the City

I'm very happy to announce that I have a piece in the City Section of today's New York Times. It's about smell and it's about the city. But mainly it's about the life that each one gave to the other--and to me--as I recovered from the effects of the car accident in 2006.


  1. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Congratulations Molly! What a redolent article on the aroma and the miasma of New York :)

  2. That's very exciting! Congratulations to you, I'm sure there will be many more!

  3. Hi Molly,I read your article in the Times. I felt like it was written by me! I was hit by a car jogging in 2006. In NYC i have a skull fracture and no smell at all. I understand every word and had chills reading it. Most people take smell for granted and don't realize how it affects everyday of our life. I would love to speak with you

  4. Molly -

    I came across your article in the Times and greatly enjoyed it!


  5. Hi Molly--

    Saw your piece in the Times and knew immediately it was you. Beautifully written. Congratulations!


  6. Hi Molly,

    What a fabulous piece! Congratulations on being published in the New York Times. I am so proud of you :)


  7. Megan Doll turned me onto your Times piece - it was truly breathtaking.

  8. Thanks, all, I'm so glad you liked it!

  9. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Hi Molly, I read your NY times article today & I was truly amazed. Like Joanne (post above) - I was injured over 10 years ago and lost my sense of taste and smell. Ten years later I am still re-learning new smells and experiencing so many of the sensations you so eloquently describe. For me it was Oranges first, followed by garlic and so forth. It's a wonder Dublin wasn't razed to the ground with the number of frying pans that caught fire as I absent mindedly tried to combine cooking and TV! A wine tasting course a few years ago really helped kick-start the whole taste-smell experience for me. I learned to smell with receptors that supposedly exist at the back of the throat, although I suspect that my nose is recovering. Well done - never give up & I look forward to reading more of your excellent articles!! I'd love to hear from others who have similar tales to tell.

  10. Hey Molly- got a chance to read your article last night, very well written! What a scary/amazing experience... very interesting perspective, and a good reminder of what we take for granted and don't appreciate until it's gone. Take care!

  11. Anonymous11:42 PM

    I loved that article.

    I had a similar experience in 1989, taking my sense of smell away completely for several months, and then seeming to come back in unexpected traces over the years. It's still not quite the same. Even so, when I moved back to New York in 1994 after being gone for eleven years, I was thrilled that I could smell the sauce and crust from Rosario's Pizzeria on the LES from a block away.

  12. i heard your story last nite on NPR. Your story hit me, I am a part time culinarian student with a full time corporate job. (certificate degree) This morning i was putting my chefcoat in the trunk and for the first time i appreciated that smell i cannot ever take off it. Your piece at the NYT is fantastic and glad to hear the sense is coming back.
