Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I've been talking about scent a lot in the past few weeks. New smells, which continue to come back at an increasingly rapid pace, are exciting. I didn't think I could ever completely forget the scent of spring, but now it hits me when I walk out of my apartment and I am surprised anew by the depth of flower and grass. I spoke to an editor at my alma matter's alumni magazine about a new book, The Scent of Desire, and Dick Gordon, the host of American Public Media's The Story, interviewed me last week.

Here is just a short list of my favorite smell-related essays that I've written here, to help orient anyone new:

When I worked as a dishwasher:
Sardines and Frying Pans
Surprise Encounter

When I lost my sense of smell:
Unexpected Changes
Kind of Blue

Living without scent:
Rosemary and James Bond

Holding My Nose
Evening, New York

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Just listened to "The Story" and was fascinated by your conversation with Dick Gordon. Am delighted you have a blog and flickr. I look forward to vicariously enjoying your experiences.
