Friday, August 10, 2007

Cookie, Anyone?

Driving down a back road in Martha's Vineyard with my mom, windows open, a hazy summer afternoon...

"What's that smell?" I asked, suddenly hit by a waft of buttery sweet. "Is it some kind of baked good? Mmm ... like cake, just coming out of the oven. Kinda nutty, too. Almond biscotti!?!"

My mom looked at me oddly.

"Um, no Molly. That's skunk."



  1. What a strange but nice confusion to have! And maybe it's a sign, that confused smells will work themselves out to actual smells in time...

  2. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Molly--We were just camping, and on a road we traveled daily, someone had hit a skunk. All four days we traveled the road, the dead skunk continued to share its scent with us, kind of a gift that keeps on giving.

    By the way, I like the fresh new masthead!
